Milk Pedha || Instant milk Pedha - Make in just 20 mins

Milk Pedha - This sweet can be prepared on any auspicious occasions / festivals where you have minimum ingredients.
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Ingredients :

1 Cup Milk powder 
1/4 Cup Milk
2 tbsp Ghee
1/4 Cup Sugar
2 tbsp Badam Mix powder or you can add 1 tbsp Elaichi Powder (Cardamon) 

**Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for latest updatesRecipe:

  1. Heat 2 tbsp Ghee in pan
  2. Add 1/4 cup milk, allow it to boil
  3. Add 1/4 Cup Sugar and stir till Sugar melts
  4. Now Add 1 Cup Milk powder and mix well to ensure no lumps
  5. Keep Stiring on low flame till it separates from pan (it takes around 8-10 mins)
  6. Take out the mixture in a plate and allow it to cool
  7. Add 2 tbsp Badam mix powder / elaichi powder and mix well
  8. Pinch small portion and shape in form of Pedha
  9. Add any dry fruit on top - either almond or pista
  10. Tasty indeed yummy Milk Pedha is ready

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